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Mickey’s Farm, Inc. is a licensed and insured family-owned farm located in Odum, GA that specializes in delicious pure cane syrup, made from sugar cane grown right here in the local region. The syrup is made with special care and each bottle contains a lifetime of experience in farming and food preparation.

Presently, Maga & Pop’s syrup is available in two varieties and three sizes of bottles. These products are approved as “Georgia Grown.” Pure cane syrup is evaporated cane juice, made from sugar cane grown on our farm in Odum, without additives. Country syrup is a blend of evaporated cane juice, from sugar cane grown on our farm, and corn syrup.

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We encourage you to stop by, or call for an order of our delicious homemade syrup!

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Retailers please call the Sugar House, 912-586-2241, for wholesale case prices and shipping.
Mickey's Farm where Maga and Pop produce their Georgia Grown Pure Sugar Cane Syrup. This photo was taken during the summer.